Boxes with a Past
A little light installation step by step you can do it yourself

Zara INDITEX hace un uso sostenible de las cajas de cartón que utiliza en sus tiendas, utilizándolas hasta 5 veces antes de ser recicladas en nuevas cajas para sus pedidos online.

Desde Zara nos pidieron dar vida a estas cajas de una manera creativa e inesperada, para así compartir su compromiso con el reciclaje. Nos gustó la idea de partir de las instalaciones de luz que anteriormente habíamos diseñado, pero llevándolo a una escala pequeña y DIY paso a paso.


Zara company asked us to give a new and unexpected live to a box. But not to an ordinary box but a cardboard used in Zara´s stores. They use boxes up to 5 times and then, they recycle them for new boxes to online orders. So they wanted to share the recycling awareness with the rest of the world through inspiration and creativity. We are proud of this little piece we made and film for them, where the box became a light installation easy to make your self in few steps. Technology & creativity is at your fingertips as recycling does.

A Project by: Espadaysantacruz Studio
Client: Zara INDITEX
Design, production & video: Espadaysantacruz Studio
Powered by: Small Battery & One Led Light
Oct - 2016